About Hypolite

I am a 21-year-old designer. I graduated from the Ecole Boulle in Paris, France in 2024. I am active in both the craft and design fields, whether in objects, furniture or interior design. My main skills are carpentry, lacquer and varnish decoration. I create and design decorative techniques using colors, superimpositions, material effects, patterns, transparency, matte, opacity, shine and much more. I am a craftsman who is “in love with the material”, I use a wide variety of materials in my work (wood, polymers, textiles, metal, composites, etc.), I like to touch it, feel it and it is the starting point of my work. I like to test the unknown, to seek innovation, that is why I prototype and I am open to all artistic or scientific specialties. my approach to design revolves around two major pillars : materials and territory. Every project I create is unique, and I place particular importance on working with the territory, always looking for ways to put the material at the forefront.

What are my values ?

I want to help design evolve for the future. By creating experiences through multisensory design, I push back the limits and boundaries between conception and realization, between craftsmen, scientists and designers. Through these “total” experiences, which include shapes, textures, smells, sounds and lights, I create an object, a piece of furniture, a place for meeting and sharing. The notions of sharing and interculturality are central to my work, and I want to create strong links between people.
I’m a lover of materials, and environmental issues are at the heart of my concerns. I’m developing a sustainable and local design project, which I believe to be of major importance, particularly in terms of material resources. It’s up to us designers to adapt and create an efficient design based on available resources. my projects are developed with the desire to bring cultures, techniques and values closer together. To bring both the user and the craftsman closer to the soil and the local materials that the earth provides.

What is the purpose of this studio ?

My project is to push back the boundaries of design. This studio showcases my creations and is the symbol of my artistic identity. Over the next few years, I want to develop a “total” design approach based on multi-sensory experiences that touch the user in his or her most intimate self. This can only be achieved if I build bridges between artisanal, scientific and conceptual practices. This studio is a showcase for my research into micro-encapsulation for object, furniture and space design, as well as interculturality. I want to create something that nobody has done before.

They trusted me